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Red Rocks Marsh is a coastal reserve covering 10 acres (4 hectares) of sand dunes, reedbeds and marsh. The reedbed is important for many species of wintering birds and the open pools support the rare natterjack toad. The reserve lies within the Red Rocks SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest).


The reserve consists of two dune ridges and a reed bed. A large new saltmarsh and new sand dune ridge are developing to seaward. The dominant grass of the dunes on the reserve is marram grass with other dune plants such as sea milkwort growing amongst it. The reedbed is dominated with common reed though there are considerable areas of sea club-rush. At the rear of the reedbed, various species of horsetails flourish. Throughout the reedbed there are scattered trees consisting of alder and willow. The margins of the reedbed are the most botanically rich part of the reserve. Over 50 species of flowering plant have been recorded including parsley piert, quaking grass, Danish scurvey grass, wild asparagus and various orchid species.


The only breeding colony of natterjack toads in Wirral are found at Red Rocks. This species is extremely limited in Britain and is protected by the 1975 Wild Creatures and Wild Plants Act. The reserve also has a rich invertebrate fauna which has been studied. The reedbed is often utilised by birds during passage for shelter.



Open To The Public


Access from Stanley Road, Hoylake or by walking along beach from West Kirby. Please keep to the foreshore and marked paths. Do not enter reedbed.

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Wirral Wildlife is a group of the Cheshire Wildlife Trust, one of the network of 47 local Wildlife Trusts protecting wildlife across the UK. The Wildlife Trusts partnership is the UK’s leading environmental conservation charity.

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