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New Ferry Butterfly Park is an urban nature reserve that was developed on the former site of  a railway goods yard, coal yard and water softening plant at Bebington and New Ferry Station.  The reserve occupies 4.94 acres (2 hectares) and is designated as a Local Wildlife Site. There are acidic, calcareous, nutrient poor & nutrient rich grasslands reflecting the different industrial substrates of the past. In addition there are two ponds, hedgerows, scrub, hazel coppice, artefacts of the brick-making and railway eras.


Acidic grasslands developed on the coal dust areas, these are dominated by common bent, sheep's sorrel & bird's foot trefoil. Calcareous grasslands developed from lime waste of water softening plant these provide species rich flora with plenty of nectar sources. On thin nutrient poor soils, which overlie old railway track beds, carpets of bird's-foot-trefoil dominate along with wild carrot & occasional bee orchids. On damper grasslands surrounding the lower pond, cowslip, lady’s smock & purple loosestrife occur.


27 species of butterfly have been recorded here with up to 18 species breeding on site. Other interest is in the lower pond with smooth newts and dragonfly nymphs. Yellow meadow ants are present on undisturbed grassland areas where they can build their nests. The park is rich in many other invertebrates with large populations of grasshoppers, bees and shield bugs.


A local committee runs the park. We are always looking for help in managing the park on the second Sunday of the month in the winter (September–April) and wardening every Sunday in the summer (May-August). Please contact Paul Loughnane if you would like more information.

Email Paul



Opening Times


Open Sundays from 12 – 4 p.m. from 5th May to 8th September 2024.


We may not open the Butterfly Park if the weather is very wet, windy or hot. Please contact Paul by email or phone Hilary on 0151 327 5923 to check before you visit or look at the New Ferry Butterfly Park Facebook page, where we will post any changes to opening hours.


There is no parking inside the reserve but we do have bicycle racks.


Access from Howell Road, Bebington, Wirral, CH62 5BJ.
The reserve is adjacent to Bebington Station car park.

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Location of New Ferry Butterfly Park and nearby car parks


Nature Trail leaflet


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Art Trail leaflet


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Butterfly Park

History Trail leaflet

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Old Macdonald's

Butterfly Park game



Planting bluebells

Volunteers meet to manage the park on the second Sunday of the month in the winter (September–April).


See the Events Programme for the date of the next workday.

From the beginning of May until the end of August, the park is open to visitors every Sunday afternoon from 2 - 4 p.m. Two wardens are needed in the park during this time. If you can help with wardening any Sunday, please contact Paul Loughnane or Hilary Ash. The more people on the rota the better!

Email Paul or telephone Hilary:  0151 327 5923


For updates about the Butterfly Park, please read our blog.


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Wirral Wildlife is a group of the Cheshire Wildlife Trust, one of the network of 47 local Wildlife Trusts protecting wildlife across the UK. The Wildlife Trusts partnership is the UK’s leading environmental conservation charity.

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