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The committee that runs Wirral Wildlife is made up of a small group of people who volunteer their time and expertise. The committee members' details are shown below and they can be emailed if you have any queries relating to their role within the group.


We are currently looking for a Fundraising Co-ordinator. If you are interested in helping us in this role, please email us for more details.

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Stephen Ross

Email Steven

Gillian Lacy



Email Gillian

Margaret Jackson



Email Margaret

Hilary Ash
Conservation Officer
Email Hilary

Paul Loughnane
Thornton Wood and New Ferry Butterfly Park Reserves Manager
Email Paul

Kate Hart
Talks Co-ordinator

Email Kate

Linda Higginbottom

Publicity Officer


Email Linda

Caroline Smallthwaite
Planning Officer
Email Caroline

Post Vacant
Fundraising Co-ordinator

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Wirral Wildlife is a group of the Cheshire Wildlife Trust, one of the network of 47 local Wildlife Trusts protecting wildlife across the UK. The Wildlife Trusts partnership is the UK’s leading environmental conservation charity.

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Inspiring, informing, educating

and encouraging people

to protect nature in Wirral

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